Guided School Tour Survey Guided School Tour Survey Guided School Tour Survey 1. Was this your first school tour field trip at the Heard Museum? Yes No, I’ve been here once before. I am a returning teacher/school. 2. How did you learn about us? Colleague Heard Museum website Teacher event I am a Heard Museum member Newspaper or online advertising Other 3. What date was your visit to the museum? MM slash DD slash YYYY 4. Which tour option did you choose for your students? 45-minute Guided Tour (HOME tour, Away from Home tour, etc.) Guided activity & HOME tour 5. How would you rate your experience at the Heard Museum? 5 – Excellent 4 – Good 3 – Satisfactory 2 – Poor 1 – Bad 6. Were your group's docents ready to begin the tour on time? Yes No 7. Did your tour docent present information in a manner and language appropriate for the age and interests of your group? Yes No 8. How would you rate your docent's presentation and knowledge about the subject matter of your tour? Superlative, exceeded all expectations Good Ok, as expected Bad 9. Was Heard staff helpful and polite during your visit? Yes No 10. Would you return for another school tour at the Heard Museum? Yes No 11. Were there any specific areas of the museum that students particularly enjoyed or had questions about?12. Was there anything you were hoping to see or learn about on your tour and didn't?13. How easy was it to book your tour? 5 – Easy, no issues 4 – Fine 3 – Okay 2 – Could have been easier 1 – Impossible 14. Did you use any of the provided curricula packets available at Yes No 15. Please feel free to provide additional comments on your tour, staff, or anything else.16. We want everyone to have a great visit to the Heard Museum. If you would like to speak with us about an issue or bring anything to our attention, please include your contact information below.